I am an undergraduate persuing Computer Science and Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology. I got into programming in my senior secondary education and it really fascinates me to see how much we can do with a simple computer system. I like problem solving, got into Web development and really fond of working on different frameworks: Express, React. Machine Learning and Deep Learning helps me to see world through different angle, the angle that can actually transform our society.
Love to work in building different websites. Like to explore new frameworks: React, Express.
Programmming and using this skill in solving different problems is the excersise I like to do in my day to day basies. I use different online platforms like Hackerrank, Hackerearth for practising and to harness this skill.
Idea of innovating my society and to help people by making machines do task is the idea that actually ignites me to explore more in this field and to be on my desk. I refer different resources to actually grasp the working.
The project covers the idea of using Machine Learning to detect whether a particular person is wearing mask or not.
I have implemented both website that covers the overall working of the project and the face-mask detection part.
The project covers the concepts of Data Analytics and working on idea of filtering dataset and suggesting a book given to user based on preferences that this person provides.
I have implemented by covering both working and visualizations.
The project uses the concepts of Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify between cats and dogs by extracting features from the images.
I have implemented in parts including concepts of Image Pre-Processing with CNN.